Eliminate Purifier Maintenance
With BIP® gases, you can eliminate your existing purifier train and its maintenance altogether. Our gases are at least as pure at the valve outlet as gas exiting the highest quality and best maintained in-line purifiers. We take care of the gas purification; all you have to do is ensure the integrity of a simple line from the cylinder to the back of the instrument. A multi-instrument gas manifold can also be used with BIP® cylinders to suite every need without a purifier train.
You may find it difficult to imagine using a gas cylinder without a train of in-line purifier elements. This is a paradigm shift for many chromatographers that is not easily executed. Until you can live with that idea, we suggest that you do your regular preventive maintenance on your purifiers one more time. Monitor them while using the BIP® products. After a year, ask yourself why you continue to use them. Most chromatographers using the BIP® products get even better analytical results when the purifiers are removed – the BIP® gases are so pure that most purifiers actually add impurities back into the gas stream.
If you want the extra protection they afford, keep them. But you'll never have to change them again! We calculated the number of helium cylinders required to exhaust five different commercial oxygen purifiers, using helium from BIP® cylinders as well as four standard grades of Air Products helium. Purifier lifetime can be extended at least 100-fold with BIP® cylinders.
"GC operators often pay very little attention to the purifiers. It is difficult to check whether they are still working properly, and they are rarely maintained to specification. Gases using BIP® technology decrease the maintenance efforts in a GC laboratory."
— Dr. Frank David, Research Institute for Chromatography
From complex piping without BIP® (top) to simple piping with it (bottom):
Without Built-In-Purifier
What our customers say
"Switching over to BIP® cylinder technology is very easy because no adaptation of the current system is required."
Dr. Frank David. R&D manager, Research Institute for Chromatography, Belgium